The O-N-T system:
In Czech, Očkování (Vaccination) – Nemoc (Illness) – Testování (Testing) is a way to prove that one meets the conditions allowing them to enter their workplace, teaching facilities or service facilities. It is based on three basic pillars: vaccination, testing and previous covid-19 diagnosis.
MU buildings
O-N-T employees – only after arrival from abroad
O-N-T students – after arrival from abroad and for the purpose of accommodation
University buildings – respirator or a similar device without exhalation valve meeting at least all technical conditions and requirements, including filtration effectiveness of at least 94 % pursuant to the applicable standards (e.g. FFP2, KN 95), that prevents the transmission of particles
→ music, sports (PE)k
→ student sitting in classroom (including lectures in labs)
→ lecturers during class
→ oral test, if at least 1.5m separation is ensured
→ employees staying at one place without any person present other than colleague
Everything is still governed by the valid Extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – article 3.
Based on local conditions and the prevalence of the infection the dean, director of institution or any other head of department decide, in legitimate cases, on the obligation to use respirators in cases not explicitly outlined by the rules.
O-N-T students – mandatory testing every 7 days
→ respirators in common areas
→ reflection of conditions for the arrival from foreign countries
Dorms are also governed by the valid Extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – article 18.
→ 1 client per 10 square metres
→ 1.5 metre distances
Libraries are governed by the valid Extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – article 1
Assembly and public events
→ in the case of public events, limits on number of attendees
→ distancing
→ respirator
→ obligation to verify ONT
Assemblies and public events must abide by the current Extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – article 12, 13
Arrival from abroad (not just foreigners)
→ restriction on entry if conditions are not met
→ countries are categorised (5 groups)
→ obligation to report return via INET and IS
Preventive measure for the prevention of introduction of covid-19 with respect to travel and arrival from a foreign country as issued by the Ministry of Health can be found here.
Find out more about other key measures, including List of countries by level of risk.
The measures introduced by Masaryk University also related to the applicable Measure of the government of the Czech Republic.