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Masaryk University will support technical education

Representatives of the South Moravian Region, the City of Brno, three Brno universities and twelve major technology companies today signed a memorandum to jointly support and promote technical education.

The aim of the memorandum, which was endorsed by nearly 20 partners, is to increase the number of students studying STEM subjects by 30 per cent within five years and to attract more experts to this field.

Around 25,000 young people are currently studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at the Brno University of Technology (BUT), Masaryk University (MUNI) and Mendel University (MENDELU). A memorandum on the promotion of technical and scientific education has been signed by almost twenty partners with a commitment until the end of 2029. Demographic change is expected to account for fifteen per cent of the expected thirty per cent increase, with project activities contributing another fifteen per cent. However, the number of graduates will be reviewed in five and ten years’ time.

The act took place in the BUT hall.

The Regional Authority will mainly involve its secondary schools, the Moravian Institute of Education, the South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM), the Moravian Science Centre and the SVČ Lužánky Brno in the project. The project will receive an annual budget of CZK 1.5 million. The City of Brno will provide the same amount to involve its primary schools and the Brno Observatory. “Technical education requires a comprehensive approach. It is important to motivate people and to search for talent, starting from kindergarten. Masaryk University has been working with children for a long time, for example through the Bioskop or MjUNI junior university projects. In order to attract more talent to the South Moravian Region, we need to provide them with good transport connections and housing,” said Martin Bareš, Rector of Masaryk University.

Rector of Masaryk University Martin Bareš

The first step of the project will be to establish a working group of ambassadors from companies, primary and secondary school teachers and university experts. Existing activities that already promote and popularise science and engineering in the region will be reviewed, followed by networking and connecting stakeholders.

See the STEM project’s LinkedIn profile for more information.