Award-winning scientist says awards help research get out of the lab In the past year, Pavlína Janovská has been collecting awards by the dozen, which helps raise awareness about the research into the causes of leukaemia.
Making farming cheaper and more eco-friendly through vehicle routing in 3D vědResearchers from Masaryk University have now been awarded a grant to help alleviate problems with soil degradation and water pollution.
Virologists Discovered a New Mechanism for Penetration of Viruses into Cells David Buchta with colleagues from CEITEC has recently identified a new mechanism for how cells are infected by enteroviruses.
Punitive gods shaped civilisation as we know it Experiments conducted by experts who study religion show that the development of the first large civilisations was facilitated by people’s fear of moralising gods.
Million euro for the top researcher: the MUNI Award competition is now open Researchers have until 13 October to apply and the winner will receive funding of one milion euro for five years from Masaryk University.
Stem cell therapy now one step closer Doctors and researchers in Brno have begun work on the clinical application of stem cells.
Scientists mapped horseradish and watercress genome Terezie Mandáková and Martin A. Lysák, the authors of the study, use comparative chromosome painting in their research.
A former sceptic now looks for teenage research talent Hana Sedláčková was the first secondary school student to be trained in Lumír Krejčí’s lab. The research she began there later brought her international recognition.
Siemens awards MUNI graduate for targeted cancer therapy research Michaela Fojtů, who completed her PhD at the MU Faculty of Medicine, came second in the best doctoral dissertation category.
British researcher to study interwar art at MUNI Masaryk University has awarded the second ever Muni Award in Science and Humanities to Matthew Rampley, a British expert on art history.
Choose PhD students more carefully and give them assurances Marie-Janine Calic from Masaryk University International Scientific Advisory Board comments on its recent recommendations.
How can we distinguish good science? CEITEC applies demanding evaluation method City of Brno hosted more than twenty experts from leading international research institutes who arrived to evaluate CEITEC.