Whether you are a first-year student trying to adjust to a new place or an exchange student who wants to understand and explore the Czech Republic, here are six useful tips you need to have a great time.
First of all, no matter how good alone time can be, we cannot get by without friends and when you move to a new country, it can be hard to make new connections. Your town or city is not yours until you have your people, your friends. So make sure to meet people: studying at a university makes it easy. Czech people are open and friendly, especially young students at Masaryk. It can be hard to come out of your shell, but I promise it is worth it.
If you are looking to make new friends, there are several platforms you can use: one of them is the buddy system from ESN (Erasmus Student Network). You can also participate in ESN at Masaryk and in the many activities they offer.
Even though Brno is full of international students, and most people speak at least some English, language is important. It is still polite to know some basics, like saying hello, thank you, and goodbye in Czech. And if you can speak another language, you can practise it with international students from all over the world or join on of the many language courses offered by the university to improve your skills.
Drinking and eating
It is no secret that the Czech Republic is one of the best countries for beer, so food and alcohol are a big part of life, and there is no better way to understand people than to understand their culture. There are plenty of restaurants that offer traditional Czech cuisine but you can get the same dishes at the MU canteens for a lower price.
Maintaining a balance
Although the main goal of being a student is studying, and Masaryk university has a wide variety of libraries to study in, do not forget to live. If you can make sure you have time for life as well, you will have more energy. When you need to take a break, I recommend visiting a park. One of my favourite parks is Lužánky and it is just 20 minutes from the university.
Brno has a wide range of activities to offer, from the touristy stuff such as guided tours of Spielberg Castle to cultural events, museums and galleries. There is, of course, the cinema, where you can watch movies in English. If you are an avid movie lover, I recommend Kino Art, which shows films from various countries and they include niche films as well as more mainstream ones.
Have a great time!
To move from survival mode to living your best life, you have to spend time doing what you enjoy, whether that means taking pottery classes, visiting bookstores or clubbing. Stay open and enjoy your time in the cozy and beautiful city of Brno: it has much to offer.