We'll never understand fully how the brain works Déjà vu, a strange phenomenon, which no one knew how or why arises. Its principle revealed Milan Brázdil.
Females at risk: sexual cannibalism the other way round Scientists have discovered a previously unknown type of spider cannibalism when selecting sexual partners.
Two steps to recognition Student of informatics uses video footage in the search for ways to recognize people by their gait.
University awards for best seven scientists The board of the new Programme in Support of Research has selected experts who will receive prize money.
Student papers destined for Wikipedia, not desk drawers If every student in Czech Republic were to write one article, Czech Wikipedia would almost triple.
Young geologists search for microdiamonds and their origin In terms of size their maximum thickness is a third of that of a human hair.
Folk culture lives (on) Does the folk tradition have a future? And why has it been preserved until these days?
Scientists analyse contamination of environment for UN Experts from Masaryk University help the UN with monitoring of toxic substances in the environment.
A phenomenon of today: ungrown-up grown-ups Experts at the MU Faculty of Social Studies are investigating a phenomenon of emerging adulthood.
Students will test unique mechanism at European Space Agency Experiment in Noordwijk will check out the equipment under hypergravity conditions.
Software from Masaryk University serves scientists at Harvard Harvard Medical School uses software to model the proteins, which was developed by two centres at Masaryk University.
Biologist Jiri Friml was awarded by EMBO Gold Medal 2012 Friml who works as a leader of a research group, Ceitec Masaryk University, is the first Czech to be so honoured.