Ceitec offers Down syndrome testing The new test is performed at the beginning of pregnancy using the mother’s blood. This means that unlike the commonly used tests, it is non-invasive and almost 100% reliable.
Your first job decides your future career According to economist Stijn Baert, it might sometimes be preferable to stay unemployed and look for a suitable job rather than accept any available job.
Pro-Kremlin propaganda in Czechia employs dishonest journalistic practices Masaryk University researchers are monitoring four websites operating in the Czech Republic to show how modern propaganda works.
Dolní Věstonice gene pool prevalent in Europe during the Ice Age Extensive genetic study sheds new light on the origins of modern Europeans.
In English, we are Czechia Rudolf Šrámek, a scholar of Czech language and literature, comments on the heated debate regarding the one-word name for the Czech Republic.
Mystery at the ends of chromosomes Researchers from Ceitec MU have determined what telomere sequences in plants of the genus Allium look like.
The Americanisation of Israel is a myth. We’re closer to Europe. Alfred Tovias, professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, taught a course at Faculty of Social Sciences.
Disabled people want to work The UK is struggling with a huge lack of carers. This is where people with disabilities could find work.
I used to calculate the structure of viruses by hand He described the virus that causes the common cold and found a cure for it. Biophysicist Michael G. Rossmann gave a lecture at Masaryk University.
Doctors now know how to calculate stress A new equation by Masaryk University researchers will show when the level of stress has become unsustainable and starts posing a threat to our health.
Researchers examine the impact of lack of sleep on the brain At Ceitec MU, they are looking for connections between sleep deprivation and certain mental illnesses.
We’re bringing a new culture into science Jaroslav Koča from Masaryk University has become the new scientific director of the Ceitec institute. What will be his first priorities?