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CORE courses to broaden education

The Common University Courses system was introduced at MU in autumn 2024 and means that most students in Bachelor’s and long-cycle Master’s programmes are now required to take a CORE course.

CORE courses, which are part of the Common University Courses, serve to broaden students’ education beyond their chosen study programme, enable them to meet students and teachers from other faculties and get acquainted with the work of other parts of Masaryk University. From this academic year, students of BA and long-cycle MA programmes will be required to select these courses.

The one-semester CORE courses require no prior knowledge. They are designed to provide students with insight into the field and help them become familiar with it. “The courses are focused on social and natural sciences. Students can choose from four thematic areas: The World in the 21st Century: Civilization in a Global Context, Man between Nature and Culture; Advances and Limits of Scientific Knowledge, and Skills and Competences for Life,” explains Pavlína Brulíková from the MU Quality Office. Courses in the first three areas have a maximum capacity of 100 people, while the fourth area focuses on skills development and its courses have a lower recommended capacity of around 20 to 40 people.

Students complete the courses with a colloquium worth three credits. “With CORE courses, we seek to develop conditions for meeting of people across disciplinary boundaries, which concerns not only the students but also the lecturers who have the opportunity to meet, share their experiences and cooperate further in the preparation of these courses. We are pleased that we have successfully integrated the skills area into CORE, with courses such as Fundamentals of Argumentation, Creative Writing and the very topical and hotly discussed topic of artificial intelligence represented by the course AI revolution: Artificial Intelligence as an Opportunity and a Threat to Society,” said Michal Bulant, Vice-Rector for Studies and Quality.

For more information and the complete list of courses, please visit the CORE website.